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We are located at-
11277 County Road 83, LaFayette, AL. 36862
Phone: 334-864-7250
Fax: 334-864-8156
Hours: M-Th 7:00- 4:00 CT
Friday 6:30- 3:30 CT

We are also located at-
1739 New Franklin Road, Lagrange, GA. 30240
Phone: 706-882-7250
Fax: 706-882-7260
Hours: M-F 8:00- 5:00 ET

As well as-
1310 AL-9, Piedmont, AL. 36272
Phone: 256-447-2150
Fax: 256-447-2156
Hours: M-Th 7:00- 4:00 CT
Friday 6:30- 3:30 CT

Feel free to call, stop by, or email and your friends at Forestry21 will be happy to assist you with all your Forestry or Construction needs.

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